Learning in the work place

Learning at Work Week is an annual event organised by the Campaign for Learning since 1999. It aims to put a spotlight on the importance and benefits of learning and development at work. This year Learning at Work Week takes place from 15th-21st May on the theme ‘Curious & Creative’. To celebrate we’ve taken a quick look at the continued learning and development of our team here at inniAccounts.

Here at inniHQ, we believe in investing in our staff and ensuring they’re looked after. Our team receive expert training and opportunities to develop both within and outside of the workplace. We’ve found this not only helps to ensure we have happy employees, who enjoy being here, it also assures we provide an excellent service to our clients.

New starters

As our business flourishes, we’re bringing more and more people into our team. From leading experts through to recent school graduates – we’re always on the hunt for the best people to help us stay innovative. We’re committed to providing hands-on experience and learning opportunities to young people as they enter the professional world. In return, we get to bring their fresh, bright ideas to our fast-growing company.

Georgia’s Story

Georgia recently joined us as an Account Manager; she’s responsible for helping our clients work with our software. This will be Georgia’s first job, but she’s already getting stuck in as an asset to the team. As a new addition, her nominated trainer and the team as a whole have been keen to help Georgia learn the ropes.

‘Although my first months at inni were very different to the routine I was used to when I was at school, I welcomed the change. Everyone is very friendly and I’ve enjoyed the independence. It’s allowed me to develop my prioritisation and organisation skills. I’ve been fully supported by all members of the team, who have all at some point, had an input in my learning. It’s been useful to have a nominated ‘trainer’, who understands what stage my learning is at. I seem to learn something new everyday here!’

Georgia’s currently studying towards her AAT Level 2 and aims to continue learning alongside her new experiences at inni.

Ben’s story

Ben joined us as an apprentice Software Developer last summer. He’s currently working on his Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship for IT, Software, Web and Telecoms Professionals and gaining key hands-on experience, guidance and support here at inniAccounts. We’re delighted that he’s now agreed to join us at inni permanently when his apprenticeship ends. This will be his first job, but Ben’s already settled into our way of working and continues to learn and thrive.

‘The professional environment wasn’t what I expected. In a good way. The atmosphere is open and everything is fairly relaxed – but that doesn’t stop a lot of work getting done. Having never worked before I was expecting it to be a much stricter environment. I’m constantly learning on the job as my tasks continually change and I get to look into new things. I regularly get the opportunity to learn about new subjects by reading up online, attending courses or by chatting with my fellow developers.’

You can read more about Ben’s apprenticeship experience here.

Developing our team

Development and learning aren’t merely for our new starters. We’re excited to continue to help our team members grow and improve in their day to day roles and aspirations.

Laura’s story

Laura’s our operations coordinator – she excels at finding ways to make our clients’ experience more enjoyable and sleek. She’s been with inni for two years now and has recently started the Six Sigma Green Belt course. Six Sigma is a set of management techniques intended to improve business processes by greatly reducing the probability that an error or defect will occur. Laura wanted to increase her skills in project management including calculating potential risk within a project as well as any possible impact on the business and our clients. She’s hoping to learn new techniques and brush up on old ones.

‘My course is all online and the business has paid for it. I got the option to find what was best for me, be it to face to face or online study. I worked with inni to incorporate it into a time scale that suited me. Matt has been there to help with any questions and we regularly bounce ideas about how we can implement what I’ve learnt into the business. inni’s also provided me with any equipment I needed such as a textbooks and I get to use my work laptop.’

Once Laura’s finished the course she’ll be looking at assessing the situation once again. She’s planning to move on to complete the Six Sigma Black Belt course.

Amanda’s story

Amanda joined inni eight months ago as our Senior Marketing Manager. She ensures we are driving awareness of our business, attracting new customers and meeting the needs of our current clients. Amanda’s currently taking part in Google Squared – a six-month virtual course designed to increase the hands-on digital skills and strategic thinking of marketing leaders.

‘I felt I had alot of experience in both strategic and offline marketing however I wanted to up my online skills. James suggested I should look into a course. I was free to choose the one I felt most suited me. inni have been great. They paid for the course and I’ve been able to use my work laptop and ask for any input I’ve needed. I’ve already felt like I’ve been able to apply alot of the things I’ve learnt into real scenarios in my work. I’ve also built up a great new global network with other marketing experts.’

Amanda has long term learning ambitions that she hopes to continue pursuing with inniAccounts over the next few years.

We’re always on the look out for new ways to grow and increase the experience of our team. As our team members continue to learn and develop – so do we as a business. Be sure to keep an eye out on our latest updates both here on our Blog and on our Twitter.