Expense reimbursement without using Payslips

With inniAccounts your personally incurred expenses are automatically paid when you create a payslip. However, if you prefer more control over how they’re repaid then you can manually repay your expenses whenever you want.

If you’d like to repay your expenses without using the payslips you can record your expenses in the Quick Entry area using a different expense account. When using the alternative expense account, the expenses will bypass payslips and instead you’ll see a pending payment in the Bookkeeping area. This allows you to reimburse expenses from your business account to your personal account without running payroll.

If you don’t see an expense account in Quick Entry area that says ‘repaid directly’, please contact your account manager to setup a new expense account for you.

Recording and reimbursing personally incurred expenses

To enter an expense ensure that the expense account or repaid directly is selected in the Personally incurred expenses drop down menu, as shown below. You can then enter the expense as you normally would.

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As you enter expenses, a pending payment is added to your Bookkeeping area (see below). This pending payment is the amount that your company owes you personally for your expenses. You can now use your online or telephone banking to transfer this sum from your business bank account to your personal account. Once you’ve made the payment remember to select the pending payment and tick the match button.

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Making mileage claims without using a payslip

The entries made into the mileage log are automatically reimbursed on payslips and cannot be repaid manually. Should you or someone in your organisation not be using payroll or you wish to reimburse mileage claims without including them on a payslip, they will need to be entered as personally incurred expenses.

To do this record the expense on the Personally incurred expenses section of the Quick Entry area – ensure the category is set to ‘mileage’. To ensure good quality records are kept, it is recommended that in the description and reference boxes you record details about the journey including; where from and to, number of miles and the purpose. In the paid to box you should enter the name of the person being reimbursed.

The mileage log takes care of working out the value of the claims and also changes the rate above the 10,000 mile threshold. When not using the mileage log you will need to work out the value of the claim using the appropriate rate for the vehicle used and also manually track against the 10,000 mile threshold where the rates change.