Additional accounts / nominals

Your company includes a comprehensive set of accounting categories, however you may wish to tailor these to your specific needs. By doing so you can enhance the value of your company’s reporting.

The team at inniAccounts will take care of setting up additional accounts for you. Just submit a request with your requirements and we’ll set them up for you.

Expense accounts

Additional expense accounts can be created that will appear in the Category drop down menu when you enter a new transaction in your Bookkeeping area.

An example use of a new account / nominal is for website costs whereby you pay a supplier for your clients hosting packages and purchase of domain names on their behalf.

In the example below a new account has been created called ‘Hosting and domain names’ that allows transactions to be recorded against it.

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This then allows you to examine items recorded against this category in the Profit & Loss report found in the Report Centre.

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Income accounts

Additional income accounts can be created that will appear in the Add manual line drop down menu when you raise a new invoice.

In the example below, a new Income account has been created called ‘Website design & hosting’ that can be used to categorise items when creating new invoices.

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When a new item is added to the invoice by selecting this category, any items will then appear in the Profit & Loss report within the Report Centre:

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